21 agosto 2007


Since I have ADSL at home, I spend all my spare time in front of the computer. And I'm downloading, downloading and again downloading. One of my latest addictions is podcasting. As you can see, I put a list of links on the right about this. They are a collection of links of free podcasts that can help you improve English, German, Spanish, French and Russian (actually it's not easy to find Russian podcasts, if you know some, please tell me!).
I think this is a really effective way of learning. Some podcasts are structured according to your level or your interest. I hope you enjoy listening them and find them useful! =)

24 luglio 2007


Andrea Pellizzari offers you an alternative way of learning English!!!
Take a look at one of his videos (source: youtube)!!!

If you also think he's a great comician, watch all his videos on www.leiene.it.

21 luglio 2007


Photo source: Flickr
According to Wikipedia, in computing a bookmark is "a stored web address of file name for quick access, used by web browsers". In shorts: if you think there are too many good websites, blogs or on-line newspaper articles you want to get back to, the net provides you many opportunities to store and organize your favourite links. Internet Explorer gives one the possibility of saving links by clicking on the "Favourites" voice which can be found on the browser menu. Mozilla Firefox also gives the same opportunity. Not long ago bookmarks have become another resourse one can share with one people. The phenomenon has been called "social bookmarking".
How can one share link with other people? Web-based bookmarking services are provided by search engines like Google and Yahoo. You can also turn to web servers. Perhaps the most famous one is del.icio.us. Here you can subscribe for free, and once you get your personal account you can start bookmarking your favourite pages. Recently I have found another web sever, Blinklist, which works exaclty like del.icio.us, with the advantage that the layout of the page is much clearer and, in my opinion, it is even easier to use. Why don't you give it a try? =)

12 luglio 2007


...These tests really caught my attention. The first question was: DID A COURSE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES SUIT ME? Here's the answer:

Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking

You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.
You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:

Foreign language

...Yes, definitely a good choice! =)

This second test also caught my attention, because I have always thought my hands are rather strange,as they are very long. Some years ago a friend of mine told me something about the fact that studies proved that people who have long hands are extremely talkative and dreamy. Does this test lead me to the same conclusions? Let's see...

What Your Hands Say About You

You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.

Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations.

Brainy and intelligent, you are intellectual to the point of being incomprehensible.

Your emotions tend to be well though out. You're willing to wait out a bad situation, and you're never too quick to act.

...uhm, there is something true...I think I must keep this site in mind!


Photo source: Flickr

Who knew they were recording another album? I didn't. Yesterday, by chance, I've found the title of their new album on the web and I said to myself: "A new single???????" NO....a new album!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I looked for some information on Google and discovered that the album went out in the U.S.A. on 9th June. I don't know if it can be found in Italy.... And where's the video of their first single? And how it is possible that I haven't a single world about that during all this time?! In any case, now I have their album. I spend the whole morning hearing it and...they are wonderful, as always. =)

Now watch "Lost Highway" (Source:YOUTUBE)!!!

6 luglio 2007


Photo source: Flickr
Now that university courses are over, it was great to me today when I've found out that some people are still keeping their blogs running. Alessandra and Martina, what you've done is really amazing! I went through your posts and found interesting suggestions. Some of them are really useful to me because now (and I must say FINALLY!!!!) I have adsl at home and, for the first time in my life, I'm experiencing how it feels to jump from one site to another without people telling you: "You are not allowed to take a look at this page!!!!", as it always happens at the university labs. =/

Erica, I enjoyed reading your latest post, I hope you will go on writing. And I also hope to hear something from you all girls. it is a pleasure to me to exchange ideas with you. Now I can finally do this without problems. If my computerwants...

Keep in touch!
